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Showing posts from January, 2010

Five years and ten months...

That’s my son! He would soon be super six, and it means a lot to him, it’s like winning a virtual monster game. Cliched but true that “Time Flies”. Six years ago, when I got to know that I was pregnant, I went through a roller coaster of emotions, there came a point when I  wanted to abort my pregnancy, but in true filmy style, I realized it was emotionally not possible. Today, I am happy that I let my emotions rule. Not even once have I regretted this decision. He is one of the best things that happened in my life, my flesh and blood. I don’t know how life would have been without him, but now I dread a life without him. Well, bringing up a child is not a child’s play, fellow mothers will agree, but, there is no perfect way also. To each is own, as I have always believed. Looking at him, makes me feel that as a Mother I have done a fairly decent job, Yes, its true that he has his preferences, his moods, and he is very rigid about certain things, it just shows that he is growing up....