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Showing posts from August, 2014

Humanity is my religion

I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit. Khalil Gibran Ever since I understood the nuances, of life, relationships, God etc... I realized that I didn't like the categorization of people because of their religion. For a person, who totally believed in humanity first, it became complicated when my grandparents did certain things because they belonged to a particular religion, or, because in the Hindu (read: Brahmins) culture, it has been passed on from generations.  The silly superstitions like - waiting for 5 minutes incase a black cat crosses your path or not to ask "where are you going" to someone who is already at the doorstep. Or, not to talk or touch the maids as they are 'untouchables' and more used to irritate me.  The rebel inside me refused to accept the religious practices in the name of God! "So, who is God for you?" I remember my G...

Snippets........Somethings we come across in our day to day lives...

A friend once said, "for Godssake, wearing Jeans is not considered fashionable", to which I replied, "Thank God that am still wearing something that suits me". By the way, Jeans is the best fashion  invention ever. ;) I know a lot of people, who are very good at preaching, they can go on and on and on about their philanthropic  nature, and how they teach their children the importance of sharing, the next minute you would see them fighting with their maids for 100 bucks, and their children doing everything BUT sharing. Preaching is easy. A person once told me that my maid works for me, because she is scared of me, and I thought, in liberated India, where maids make more news than even celebrities, I definitely must be a cut above the rest, to have a  maid who works for me out of fear ;) If charity begins at home, so does racial discrimination. Fact: dusky models are the most wanted ones in a fashion industry, because of their features and flawless skin....