Time just seems to be running a marathon these days… There are so many things piled up, and to finish that, I need the most important tool and that is TIME!!!!
Ohh God! Come to think of it, there are just few days left for the year END… it’s time for 2010 to exit and 2011 to enter.. Well, like every year, I always look forward to the New Year, wait for the new beginnings, the surprises in store – good or bad, I just take it as it comes.
On that note, I can say, that the year has not been too great, but not too bad either, some truths came out of the closet, causing a stir in relationships. That wasn’t pleasant, but, hey that happens, all the time, isn’t it?
I happened to join a prestigious institution, and after the initial days of settling down struggle, now am a part of a rocking team, best part is the structured way they run this institution, they are warm, they are kind, the best part – they are deeply grounded in their humble roots. I look forward to my day, after a long gap, work is fun again…
I give in my best shot and get back home, satisfied and happy..somewhere, it’s therapeutic. It’s true..
I want to throw away the garbage, and enter a squeaky clean year.. Dwell upon things which actually need my attention, and steer clear of trouble makers, and things and people who might stress me out..with these thoughts, I am signing off as of now…
More thoughts, to follow…
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