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Showing posts from July, 2014

Puppy Love!

All along I have been anti dogs, not a 'hater' particularly, but somehow couldn't imagine myself living with a pet, who couldn't be caged, or swim in a tank. As a child, I probably did express my desire to have a pup to my Mum, who told me that I would have to leave school, stop playing or going out for vacations, as she wasn't prepared to take care. I thought then, 'how mean?!'. Ofcourse, when I was in my teens, I finally realized that yeah probably my Mum was right, what she meant was that it was too much of a hassle and a big responsibility. And I was happy that we didn't have one, since I was very happy with the way my teenage was going on. Laughing, bunking, playing pranks, secret crushes, gossips...You know how all this is a 'BIG DEAL' for a teenage girl!! And in the middle of all this I became an anti dog person. Well, life happened later, which is another story, not to be talked about on this post.  I got married. Had a baby. In that...

I am ME..

As usual, sitting with a group of women in the park, in the evening, watching over our kids. One of the ladies in the group had a baby recently - second child. So, we were all coo-cooing over the lil bundle. And the usual, list of do's and don'ts followed.  The lady who had recently delivered said "Now I feel complete, as I am a Mother, twice lucky". And, yes there were emphatic agreements. I just watched and smiled, and returned home. I got busy with my evening routine of, checking the homework, giving dinner to my son, and settling him for the night later.  Since the husband was travelling, I had the time to myself after my son slept. The lines boomeranged, and I didn't quite agree. (Of course, to each his own, is my mantra in life). I started thinking.  I did not have a child because I felt 'incomplete' in any way. I did not get married so that somebody could 'complete' me.   Motherhood is just an extension of me, it's not my defi...

A whole new change..

So the whole shift happened from Gurgaon to Bangalore. Life is so weird, actually, not life, but we are so weird. When I had to move from Bangalore, I was upset, that I had to leave my house, my parents, my sister and move. When I had to move from Gurgaon, I was again upset, as I wanted a couple of more years in that city. So what was I going to miss really? I asked myself this question over and over again. The answer was not difficult, it was right there in front of me. My two friends, whom I met in Gurgaon, came into my life as just my son's classmates' parents. I never knew they would land up making such a huge difference in my life. This post is dedicated to those two wonderful women. I miss them every single day. Both are hands-on Mums, dedicated to their kids. Both are wonderfully awesome. To one, I became a self-proclaimed guide of Delhi, as she had spent her whole life in Bangalore, and I took her to all the major attractions of the city - the shopping attraction...