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That time of the year...AGAIN!!!

So, 2013 is here. New Year is a time for changes, of changes..something new, somethings not so new.

I gave a 'new' look to my blog layout. I look at every new year as an opportunity to change something, or start something new. No big deal about it, it's as nonsensical a thought as my nonsensical blogs are ;).

And, my favourite activity is making resolutions, oh! I love it, don't ask me why, I just love making and breaking resolutions. I am ready with my resolutions for 2013, albeit a lil late, but it's there.

This year I decided not to add weight loss to my list, because, its pointless. I start with a lot of vigour and all it takes is a Belgian chocolate shake, or some rich dark choco pastry or after 8's to lose focus. Ugh!

  • My first resolution is to make sure that I get enough sleep. Am not an owl, I don't suffer from insomnia, but I am unable to get good and enough hours of peaceful sleep. There is always a dream and I just completely lose myself in it, and then the alarm rings. Sigh!
  • Take care of my skin, and follow the cleansing-moisturizing-toning regime, OK that's too much to do everyday, I will atleast do the cleansing bit every night. Well, my skin is not in a bad condition, but recently, someone told me, that blessings also need to be taken care of, otherwise it will soon turn into a curse.
  • Drink water! Phew! This finds it way back into my list, can you imagine I live in a city which experiences the worst summer, and if I have managed to stay without water then also, then am definitely not a human, probably a camel's cousin - this statement was from my Dad.
  • Order less from flipkart - Yeah! I am a flipkart addict. I order a lot of books, then I give it away to people generously, without reading it. And then I crib when those books are not returned, and I order the same ones again. Hoarder!
  • Instead of saying, we should 'do something' I will actually do something. Its started more or less, especially after the gang rape. I have become more daring.
  • I will speak my mind, and I am not going to sugar coat them.
  • I will stand up for myself, whoever it is. I am done with people trying to hush me up, interrupt me, telling me the do's and dont's.
  • I am not going to sit quietly or ignore anyone's trashy talks. I will raise my voice. In the garb of friends, and well wishers, who have done everything but wished me well.
  • I will learn something new, if possible every month.
  • I will colour my hair.
  • I will wear more colors. Wear skirts, buy more accessories.
  • I will not stick to the same routes, I will drive my car without any fear.
  • I will write more nonsense ;)
OK! Am done. 13 resolutions for 2013. Not bad at all. I should be able to keep the resolutions, I will amend them if needed, but not break. And I am also going to review it every now and then. :)


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