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Housewives Tale...

Ever wondered why when you ask a woman, “So, what do you do?”, she replies, “Oh! I am just a housewife”, one can almost, sense the undertones of regret in that statement. I was ‘just-a-housewife’ till sometime back and I haven’t regretted being one… What is wrong in being one? For people who think, housewives are jobless, they really need to open the windows of their mind and rub their eyes to see things clearly.
When you are working, you only have one role, a role which is well defined, and you have to report to one higher authority, unlike aHOUSEWIFE, who’s role is never well defined, and she has to report to many people, age group ranging from a 1 year old to an 80 year old, this within the family, there are external authorities also by the way, who come like Income Tax Officers, to judge your house and make notes about your expenses.
From making the morning tea to washing the dirty linens (literally), to giving it to the local presswalla, to arranging wardrobes, deciding the menu, keeping in mind everyone’s preferences and health issues, managing the house help, listening to her sob stories, and listening and handling the tantrums of kids and in-laws alike, to make time for husband’s rants, also taking care of inventory at home, stepping out in the heat and battling traffic issues….the’Housewife’ does it all.
And besides all this, no matter how tired she is or how upset she is with someone or something, she still puts up a smile to show everything is fine, she might have had the most terrible fight at home, but, she would make sure that nobody gets a clue of anything, and the Master of the house, will still make sure that he is having a laugh at his wife’s expense by pointing out, how her towel is at times on the bed, or how she doesn’t remember things, not realizing that if her towel is on the bed, it is because, that there is no one to pick it up after her, as its done with him, if she doesn’t remember the place of files or bills, its because, her mind is clogged with the thoughts of a kid who is sick, or what is to be cooked for breakfast? or the stock of inventory which needs more attention than few papers which the Man himself could keep a track of, but, as i said, there is not a single man who would actually appreciate what a housewife does, its very easy to come back home and complain that the house is messy, but, its never happened that a man comes back home and says, Wow!! I am glad to be back home. How many husbands have actually asked “How are you?” “How was your day?”, and also have had the patience to listen to how the day actually was, without switching on the TV, or calling up someone at that instant, or worse cutting your conversation in between?
Women who became housewives, did not bargain their career for a doormat treatment. Men need to remember all the time, that their wife is a daughter to someone, a sister to someone, a friend to someone who really appreciates her, marrying a woman, does not make her your slave for life. Woman needs to be saluted, because it’s only she who has the power of endurance, if the wive’s parents say something unpleasant, a husband retorts back, but if husband’s parents talk crap about his wife, whether its her culinary skills, her upbringing, the wife should either keep quiet or just IGNORE it…Why?? Don’t we have an identity of our own? Were we picked up from garbage that we keep quiet and bear it all? Unfortunately, these things still exist and are more common in educated, hi-profile families, even today, one can find a woman, who endures the rubbish spoken by her in-laws, and has no one to turn around and express her sadness about it, not even the husband, because the darling husband, would ask her to ignore, as they are old people, unlike a corporate job, in an AC office, where if the boss talks crap, you can throw the job on his face, and walk out.
Here, no matter what crap is spoken, you can’t throw away and walk out, because, it takes a woman to understand the importance of relationships and harmony. So, next time, when you say you are a HOUSEWIFE, be proud of it…because, what you can do, no one else can… :)


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